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College of Life Sciences,

Northwest University (NWU)

Address: 229 North Taibai Road, Beilin District, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710069, China

Email: [Xianqing Jia]

Join us now

Updated: 2023-10-15

Postdocs or Research assistants

If you have a deep passion for the intricate world of plant evolution, synthetic biology, or the captivating of plant-microbe interactions, and are currently seeking a transitional occupation before settling down permanently, feel free to reach out to Xianqing. By the way, individuals from diverse academic backgrounds are warmly welcomed in this domain. It is important remember that groundbreaking advancements in any field often originate from those outside its conventional boundaries.

Master or PhD students

We always welcome graduate students who are inteseted in our research projects or working with us. Please send an email to Xianqing, and embark upon an auspicious journey with us.